Monday, 25 May 2015

Master has given Andi a sock! Andi is free! Freeeeee!!!

I got my life back! WOohhooOO!! I feel like I am born again! I am born again with a fresh mind, tons of fresh energy and I didn't even have to sell my soul to the devil for it!! Well, I had to sacrifice my favorite pair of shoes, but that's another story...

It has only been 3 days since I gained back my freedom from the evil corporation, but I have already been drunk twice, partied 14 hours in a row, then slept 12 hours in a row, been to a wedding, to a school theater and inhaled some helium with my new 14 years old twin friends! 
I sure know how to live a crazy life, right? Haha!

It is simply unbelievable how much time there is in one day, and how many things can be done, once you are really free!!

Further to the above activities - strictly for professional and learning reasons, of course - I also took the time to watch 12 episodes of Gilmore Girls, one entire season of Pushing Daisies, half of the American Gangster, the UP!, two episodes of the Simpsons, and will restart the Vampire Diaries asap.

And, the most important thing (!) - with all my freshly discovered energy - tomorrow I will launch myself into the super exciting world of job hunt! I cannot wait!!

Ahh, sweet freedom!!!



  1. so did you have to inhale a lot of helium to do all those crazy things ? :D

    1. haha! no, inhaling the helium was the result of the crazy things, not the other way around. :D
      and i was told that my voice was the most ridiculous of all of us, who tried :D

  2. Freedom is a beautiful thing I say.

    1. Yes, it is! And I enjoy every minute of it! :)

  3. Well look at you go! Live it up girl!
